
Global Input aims at promoting the Italian language by offering to linguistic centres an opportunity to become part of a network of centres and by certifying the knowledge for cultural, academic and professional purposes.

Piazza Clai n°6
Tel +39.06.62279059 Fax +39.06.233291004
E-mail: didattica@globalinput.org
Global Input, as the main (leading) agent and exclusive representative of The University for Foreigners in Perugia and CVCL in the Balkans (in the Balkan region), will give FREE invigilator training for Satelite Centre to all new potential centres which will have (host) more than five candidates for the next CELI session (which will be held on) scheduled for 24th of November.
This applies to all of Balkans region for the benefit of the Italian Language and Cultural spread.
For more information on how to become part of the network where CELI exams can be hosted, do not hesitate to contact us.
Course for CELI Examiners for more information visit cvcl.it
Copyright © 2013 Global Input. All Rights Reserved. Product by Nebojša Jogrić